"One world, One family" Symphony Concert In Celebrating Canada 150

宗旨:为了庆祝加拿大这个伟大美好的国家建国150周年;为了展现龙的传人胸怀世界,与世界各族裔人民携手并进, 共同奔向美好未来的伟大抱负;为了进一步促进中加文化交流,加强中加友谊,东西方乐团, 润泽国际,列治文山艺术委员会将联合主办一场《天下一家》 交响音乐会 "One World, One Family " Symphony Concert。
《天下一家》交响音乐会是一场真正的阳春白雪级的高精尖的音乐会。是一场大手笔的大制作,参与晚会的演职人员将多达近300人.预定制作成本超 过8万。
To celebrate Canada 150 and showcase the dragon culturue spirit and go forward hand in hand with all nationalities towards future, the “One world, One Family” Symphony Concert is presented by East-West Orchestra & Choir,MIHB INC and Arts Richmond Hill to promote Arts and Culture exchanges , friendship and goodwill, supported by the Canadian Government Funding for New Horizons for Seniors Program.
The “One world, One Family” Symphony Concert will be a great show, and you do not want to miss, for there are over 300 hundred performers participated with high quality and production costs.
The “One World, One Family” symphony concert is formed by two half parts. The first half one is composed of small and medium solo music pieces, mainly performed by leading artists. The most impressive one is the Canadian Xiangyu (David) Zhong, an accomplished composer and conductor, who is dedicated himself to writing music and song lyrics for this concert in celebration of Canada 150.
The choral symphony “Torwards Future” with 8 movements is as the next half part.
“Towards Future” is the first choral symphony storied about the long journal of the Chinese immigrants in North America strived for victories, composed by Xianyu (David), who spent over 4 years with dedication to writing music and song lyrics. The music work tells a story of the harsh life of the early Chinese railway workers when they built the railway roads across North American and their long immigration journey of pursing dreams, victories and best wishes to unite the people around the world as a big family, cherish the peace and build Canada better towards future.
The composer Xianyu (David) Zhang will conduct the “One World, One Family Symphony Concert, and there are about 20 well-known and accomplished artists from Canada and USA to support this great concert as leading performers. The show features over 300 performers to celebrate Canada 150 in music for its birthday, beautiful nature, history,victory, courage, dreams and best wishes.
More details, please check the website: www.ewocincanada.ca
01. 演出团队主要负责人/Principal Cast & Crew & Committee:
张祥雨(Xiangyu David Zhang )
杨树劲 (Shujing Sam Yang )
杨浩蓬(Haopeng Helen Yang )
杨立纲 (Wade Ligang Yang)
b. 导演/Director:吴宗源(David Wu )
c. 舞台监督兼音乐总监助理/Stage Manager and Assistant Music Director :倪娟娟( Joanne Ni)
d. 海报设计/Poster Design:李菲- Li Fei
e, 摄像/Video:美国爱动多媒体
f. 摄像总监/Video Supervisor:赵维克- Weike Zhao
g. .宣传组长/Media:叶晓堤(Dave)
h. 票务组长/Tickets:范迎新 (Grace Fan)647-927-3066
成员:杨翀 (Sam Yang) 647-767-6023
高秀山 (Philip Gao) 416-994-5515
杜悦 (Lily To ) 647-993-6326
高萌 (Jasmin Gao) 647-879-2156
张伟冬 ( Max zhang) 647-770-0101
加拿大票务中心 647-839-6666
02. 主办单位/Organizers :
a.东西方乐团 East-West Orchestra & Choir
b. 润泽国际有限公司 MIHB INC

03. 协办单位/Supportingcommunitygroups:
五湖国际文化艺术中心(FOFA, 加拿大)
多伦多美女会 加拿大中国专业妇女协会
04. 媒体支持(排名不分先後)/ Media Support:
美国爱动多媒体,美国《天下华人》杂志社加拿大分社,加拿大财经周刊,加拿大名人名商周刊,创业周刊,加国生活,世界华文媒体,加拿大秀山传媒,轻松加拿大,加拿大夸克国际传媒,中文热点,社区网,中国日报海外站,York BBS,51.ca,红枫林传媒,国际五湖美术,未来留学与移民,加拿大维多利亚传媒,加拿大财经一号电视台CMETV,新动力传媒,TorontoTV,北辰传媒集团《地产周刊》
加拿大浙江商会,永明集团,汉邦金融,加拿大营养健康协会,加拿大夸克国际有限公司,加拿大大连同乡会,乐邦琴行 , Jason Toyota, More later...
06.领衔主演/Leading Performing Artists from North America:
加拿大著名花腔女高音歌唱家/Canadawell-known Coloratura Soprano 刘玉梅 Mary Liu
加拿大著名花腔女高音歌唱家/Canada promising Coloratura Soprano Allison Cecilia Arends,
美国印第安纳州音乐学院声乐博士生导师/School of Music, Ball state university, Muncie, IN钟玫Dr. Mei Zhong
加拿大著名男高音歌唱家/Canada well-known Tenor 叶曲凌Colin Ye
美国著名钢琴家/USA Well-known Pianist 余茕Qiong Yu
加拿大著名男中音歌唱家/Canada well-known Baritone 武云 Wu Yun
美国著名女中音歌唱家/ USA well-known Mezzo-soprano 张丽慧 Zhang Lihui
加拿大优秀女中(高)音歌唱家/Canada well-known Mezzosoprano & Soprano 孙帼楠 Sun Guolan
加拿大著名小提琴家,乐队首席/Canada well-known Violinist , 1st Chair 黄定一 Huang Dingyi
加拿大著名小提琴家,第二小提琴首席/Canada well-known Violinist, 2nd Chair David Lin
加拿大著名中提琴演奏家,中提琴首席/Canada well-known Viola, 1st Chair Fanny Tang
加拿大著名大提琴家 大提琴首席/Canada well-known Cello, 1st Chair 夏国晟 James Xia
加拿大著名低音提琴演奏家,低音提琴首席/Canada well-known Bass, 1st Chair 林静萍 Lin Jingping
07.音乐会主要节目内容/Concert Overview:
音乐会分为上下两个半场,上半场主要是著名歌唱家,演奏家的独唱,独奏及乐队演奏的中小曲目。其中突出的是由著名加拿大华裔作曲家张祥雨(David Zhang )专门为庆祝加拿大建国150周年而创作的多首歌曲和乐曲。
整台晚会将由多位蜚声国际的加拿大,美国著名歌唱家,演奏家领衔主演。由200人座城的超大型合唱队及大型专业交响乐团演奏和伴奏。由著名华裔作曲家(David Zhang )张祥雨指挥.
“One World, One Family” Symphony Concert – Overview
The “One world, One Family” Symphony Concert celebrates Canada 150 and features over 300 hundred performers!
The first half of the show is composed of several solo music pieces, including a performance by Canadian composer and conductor, Xiangyu (David) Zhong.
The choral symphony “Torwards Future” with 8 movements will be presented in the second portion of the show. The musical work tells a story of the harsh life of the early Chinese railway workers when they built the railway roads across North America and their immigration journeys of pursing their dreams and victories in Canada.
The composer Xianyu (David) Zhang will conduct the “One World, One Family Symphony Concert, will join many well-known and accomplished artists and the full symphony orchestra players to celebrate Canada's 150th birthday, beautiful nature, history, victories, courage and dreams.
08. 时间/Symphony Concert Date: Sat. Nov 11. 2017, 19:30
09.地点/Concert Venue: Toronto Centre For Arts. 5040 Yonge Street.
组长:笵迎新(Grace Fan)647-927-3066;
成员:杨 翀( Sam Yang )647-767-6023
高秀山(Philip Gao) 416-994-5515
杜悦(Lily To) 647-993-6326;
张伟冬(Max) 647-770-0101
加拿大票务中心/Toronto Center for Arts Box Office: 647-839-6666
售票點/Ticket Sales Locations:
1) TCFA Box Office, 5040 Yonge St, North York; ON M2N 6R8
2) Pro-Music, 5051 Hwy 7 E, Unit 1 B,Markham L3R 1N3 ,
Tel : 905 479 5800 ;
3) Canoman Music Inc. 80 Citizen Court,Unit 6 , Markham L6G 1A7.
Tel : 647 993 6326 Lily To ;
4)524 Front st West. Toronto, M5V 1B8, Toyota on Front 丰田车行 Jason 张4169926938。
5) 乐邦琴行:Lee Music Place Inc Freddy 李
31 Progress Ave unit 19 ,Toronto M1S 4S6
6) 多伦多音乐学院Toronto School of Music ,
41 Metropolitan Road,Toronto ,ON M1R 2T5
7) 武云学校:62-295 Village Green Sq, Scarborough ON M1S 0L2
售票網頁/Online order tickets :
节目单 Program
节目主持人/MC:胡宏(David Hu ),周小璇 (Christine Zhou)
朗诵/Recitation:孙殿涛( Diantao Sun),王燕云( Victoria Wang)
演奏/Orchestra:东西方交响乐团/East-West Symphony Orchestra and Choir
Conductor: David Zhang
1, 加拿大国歌 (录音伴奏)/Canada National Anthem:
领唱/Leading Singer:叶曲凌
CanadaNational Anthem
leading singer: Colin Yip
2, 男声合唱《天路》屈塬詞 印青 曲
钢伴:Christina Tang
Male Chorus :<Tian lu > Lyrics by: Qu Yuan; Music by: Yin Qing
Choir: Tsinghua Alumni Art Troupe
Conductor: Cai hongmei
3,钢琴独奏/Solo Piano Performance:
3.1)尼亚加拉瀑布梦幻曲 张祥雨 曲
3.2)飞翔吧,加拿大! 张祥雨 曲
3.1) Niagara Falls Dreams music by David Zhang
3.2) Flying Canada music by David Zhang
Piano:Qiong Yu
4大合唱(原创)二首 张祥雨 词曲
英文翻译: 杨浩蓬
Chorus (Original music work) Lyrics and music David Zhang
Lyrics Translated by: Haopeng (Helen) Yang
4.1) mixed Chorus: I love you, the country of maple Leaves
4.2 ) Rock Chorus : Flying Canada
Choir: Tianshu Chorus &Toronto Qsinghua Alumni Art Troupe
5, 管弦乐序曲:新世纪畅想曲作曲:张祥雨
OrchestralOverture: New Century Fantasia,music by David Zhang;
<I Love you , Maple Leaf Country >,
Lyrics and music David Zhang;
Mezzo-Soprano Concerto:<My Dream >,Music by David Zhang;
Mezzo-Soprano: Lihui Zhang
8, 花腔女高音独唱:《春姑娘来了 》-选自《和平颂》交响大合唱第4乐章
词 张祥雨、孙殿涛 曲 张祥雨
Coloratura Soprano:<Here Comes the Spring Maiden>
From "Ode to Peace " symphonic chorus 4th movement
Lyrics: David Zhang,Diantao Sun music David Zhang
Soprano: Yumei Liu
9, 男高音独唱:我站在珠穆朗玛峰之巅-选自《和平颂》交响大合唱第5乐章
词: 张祥雨、孙殿涛 作曲:张祥雨
Tenor : On Top of Mt. Himalayas from "Ode to Peace " symphonic chorus 5th movement
Lyrics: David Zhang 、Diantao Sun,
music by David Zhang;
Tenor : Colin Yip
10, 管弦乐:<岳飞>歌剧序曲
"Yue Fei" opera prelude
Music By Anlun Huang
Conduct : Anlun Huang
11, 花腔女高音协奏曲: 枫林翠鸟
演唱: Allison Cecilia Arends
Coloratura Soprano Concerto : Maple forest kingfisher
Music David Zhang
Soprano: Allison Cecilia Arends
******Intermission *******
12, 《奔向未来》交响大合唱
作词 张祥雨、孙殿涛 作曲张祥雨 翻译:李源
<Toward to the Future> Symphonic Chorus
Lyrics:DavidZhang Diantao Sun Music by David Zhang;
Translation:Yuan Li
1st Movement- Overture (instrumental)
2nd Movement - Farewell, My Dear Ones (Baritone)
Solo:Wu Yun
3rd Movement - The Chinese Railroad Men (male chorus)
Liading Singer : Wu Yun
4th Movement - My Home Is Far Away (Soprano)
Soprano Mei Zhong
05.求学创业向未来 (男高音领唱及合唱)
5thMovement- We Want to Make a Difference
(Tenor & male chorus)
Leading Singer: Colin Yip
男高音:张筑麟 女高音:韩维
6thMovement - The earth, my mother
( Male and female duet)
Tenor : Zhulin ZhangSoprano: Wei Han
7thMovement.This World Needs Peace(Mixed chorus)
08 天下一家向大同(四重唱及混声合唱)
花腔女高音 刘玉梅
女高音 钟 玫 韩维 蔡红梅 寇珊
女中音 张丽慧, 孙帼楠 付泽焰
男高音 叶曲凌 张筑麟 李宝松
男中音 武 云 周乐昌
8. We Are the World, We Are the Family
( Quartet and mixed chorus)
Lead singers:
Coloratura Soprano singer : Liu yumei
Soprano : Mei Zhong Wei Han
Hongmei Cai Kou Shan
Mezzo Soprano : Lihui Zhnag Sun Guonan
Fu Zeyan
Tenor Colin Yip Zhulin Zhang li baosong
Baritone : Wu yun , Leo Zhou
A. 冠名赞助:$50000(仅此一位)
a. 海报上放贊助商的Logo
b. 赞助商广告在劇場大屏幕滚动播放
c. 場刊封底彩色全版广告
d. 宣传资料在剧场大厅里有专桌摆放
e. 应邀出席酒会并致辞
f. 提供机会和政要们一起拍照
g. 贈送VIP票20张(每張價值$180)
B. 钻石赞助:$20000
a. 海报上放贊助商的Logo
b. 赞助商广告在劇場大屏幕滚动播放
c. 場刊封底内页彩色全版广告
d. 宣传资料在剧场大厅里有专桌摆放
e. 应邀出席酒会并致辞
f. 提供机会和政要们一起拍照
g. 贈送VIP票10张(每張價值$180)
C. 白金赞助:$10000
a. 海报上放贊助商的Logo
b. 赞助商广告在劇場大屏幕滚动播放
c. 場刊封二或扉页彩色全版广告
d. 宣传资料在剧场大厅里有专桌摆放
e. 应邀出席酒会并致辞
f. 贈送VIP票8张(每張價值$180)
D. 黄金赞助:$8000
a. 海报上放贊助商的Logo
b. 赞助商广告在劇場大屏幕滚动播放
c. 場刊内页彩色全版广告
d. 宣传资料在剧场大厅里有专桌摆放
e. 应邀出席酒会并致辞
f. 贈送VIP票6张(每張價值$180)
E. 白银赞助:$5000
a. 海报和上放赞助商的Logo
c. 場刊内页彩色全版广告
d. 宣传资料在剧场大厅里有专桌摆放
f. 贈送VIP票4张(每張價值$180)
F. 友情赞助:$2,000
b. 赞助商广告在大屏幕滚动播出
c. 应邀参加酒会
c. 贈送VIP票2张(每張價值$180)
G. 广告赞助:
a. 場刊内页全版广告$600
b. 場刊内页半版广告$300
c. 場刊内页四分之一版广告$200
12. 公司 ,社团 及暨演员介绍

1) 通过在各种公众场所、老年公民之家、教堂、社区服务中心和教育机构,提供各种形式音乐艺术表演,以及服务于老年人的各种相关的专题讲座,教育并促进公众对音乐艺术的理解和欣赏;
2) 提供各种与表演和视觉艺术相关的专业性示范指导讲座;
3) 举办音乐表演艺术活动,致力于教育并提高公众对音乐表演艺术的理解和欣赏,以及通过类似活动和有关研讨活动,教育培训音乐表演艺术家。
East-West Orchestra and Choir (EWOC) was registered in Richmond Hill, Ontario on 18, September 2012. It is approved as a Charity-MGS (Minister of Government Services) Corporation.
EWOC is dedicated to the multicultural music exchange and development. The objects of the corporation are:
A) to educate and increase the publics understanding and appreciation of the arts by providing performances of an artistic nature in public places, senior citizens homes, churches, community centers and educational institutions, and by providing seminars on topics relating to such performances.
B) to provide instructional seminars on topics related to the performing and visual arts.
C) to produce performing arts festivals for the purposes of educating and advancing the publics understanding and appreciation of performing arts and to educate artists through participation in such festivals and related workshops.
EWOC has over 100 members who are professionals and high leveled amateur. Almost 80% of the team members are seniors.
In last 4 years, EWOC took part in several influential events to set up wide communication with other community organizations. Now it has grown up to be a well-known one in the GTA. EWOC has applied to Canada for funding to carry out the project of NHSP- Multi-Music Arts Exchange for Seniors.
EWOC is under the management of music monitor, famous Chinese Canadian Conductor, Composer David Xiangyu Zhang and Chairman, environmental economist Dr. Wade Ligang Yang.

01b.总策划, 作曲与指挥 张祥雨(David Zhang)
多伦多东西方乐团 音乐总监天舒艺术团 艺术总监
美国华盛顿国际交响乐团 团长 音乐总监兼指挥
张祥雨是北美著名华裔作曲家,指挥家。他集写词,作曲,配器及指挥于一身,为促进东西方文化交流,繁荣当代音乐创作做出了积极贡献。除了创作的几部深受欢迎的中小型声乐和器乐作品以外,他用四年多时间创作并指挥演出的反映北美华人奋斗史的第一部大型音乐作品"奔向未来"交响合唱于2012年至2014年在美国的演出取得巨大成功,引起热烈的社会反响。为了纪念世界二战和中国抗战胜利70周年,他用两年多时间创作的第二部大型音乐作品"和平颂"交响合唱,于2015在美国都华盛顿的首演和同年在上海东东方艺术中心的演出再次获得巨大的成功。世界三十多个国家的华侨代表观看了上海的演出。为庆祝加拿建国150周,张祥雨今年又集中精力创作完成了几首直接歌颂加拿大的作品。填补了华人社区的文娱晚会多年来缺少华人创作的歌颂加拿大的音乐作品的空白。张祥雨现在是加拿大音乐中心成员作曲家。David Zhang biography
David Zhang (1942) is a Chinese-Canadian Composer and Conductor, A graduate of Shanghai Conservatory of Music, Mr. Zhang specialized in trombone and tuba with additional training in composition. He had been the principle tuba of Shanghai Symphony Orchestra for 18 years. His choral symphony Towards the Future was premiered in 2012 and received subsequent performances across North America. It was well-received by both music community and audience. To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II in 2015, Mr. Zhang spent two years on his second choral symphony Ode to Peace. has eight movements with a duration of more than seventy minutes. It was premiered on August 15, 2015 at the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center in the University of Maryland to great claim. It was performed in September at Shanghai Oriental Art Center Concert Hall. Mr. Zhangs works not only penetrate the boundaries of Eastern and Western styles but also pay tribute to modernism. A prime example is his Concerto for Contralto and Orchestra written in 2012 which embodies both vocalise and concerto. Mr. Zhang is composing a new work dedicated to Canadas 150th Anniversary in 2017. He is a Composer of Canada music Centre at present .

01c. 总策划 杨立纲
Dr. Wade Ligang Yang
Dr. Wade Ligang Yang worked nearly 20 years as an environmental engineer. Dr. Yang works with Re/Max Imperial Realty Inc., Brokerage, also a manger of Dr.s Branch. He runs Yang Eco-Living Tech Limited (YELT) in the construction-related fields too.
He has a Bachelors degree in Chemistry, a Postgraduate certificate in Physical Chemistry, a Masters degree in Political Economics, and a PhD degree in Environmental Economics.
Dr. Yang actively supports non-profit organizations, manages Canadian Chinese Environment Association (CCEA) and East West Orchestra and Choir (EWOC).
Dr. Yang published "The Footprint of a Realtor", which embodies his experiences in the last three decades, especially the past decade as an immigrant, as well as ideas engaged in independent research, and his best wishes for a multi-cultural society and sustainable development.
02a. 加拿大国际润泽有限公司(MIHB INC.)

加拿大润泽国际有限公司,依托加拿大独特的自然资源、先进的生产技术、严格的监管体系为基础,生产出高品质的保健产品并且保证了产品的安全性。润泽国际以最先进的营销模式(C2C2F、O2O),最先进的营销方法(互联网+ ,大数据),最流行的营销手段(电子商务+微商+会销+直销)面向全球市场。润泽国际,是一家承载着全世界华人传统美德而又含有西方哲学的综合文化的企业,它在全世界宣扬着华夏儿女上下五千年的历史文化,同时又吸纳西方先进的科学体系,是一家中西文化完美合璧的企业!润泽国际在全球招募有识之士,共创辉煌!
MIHB INC. With Canada's unique natural resources, advanced production technology, strict regulatory system as the basis, good-quality health care products can foster.
With the most scientific marketing model (C2C2F, O2O), the most rigorous marketing methods (Internet Plus,BigData), the most advanced marketing tools (E-Commerce,Direct Marketing), for the global market.
With strategic considerations, we are looking for well-organized, highly-motivated candidates join us.

02b. 总策划 润泽国际总裁 杨树劲(Sam Yang )
加拿大润泽国际有限公司 创办人之一
中国中小企业 电子商务导师
淘宝/天猫/阿里巴巴/京东 运营分析师
中国多所院校 客座教授
聚众分销分享经济理论 创始人
广东省现代健康产业研究院 特聘专家
加拿大营养健康协会 会长
Sam Yang:
Expert in Internet marketing in China
Mentor in e-commerce business in China
Visiting professors at several colleges and Universities in China
Operations Analyst in Tmall,Taobao,Alibaba and Jingdong.
Inventor of One of the founders of MIHB INC.
condensed and Public Economy Sharing
Distinguished experts of Modern HealthIndustry Research Institute Of Guangdong Province in China
President of Canadian Association of Nutrition and Health
03a. 列治文山艺术协会
机构自行筹款运作37年,推广公益活动。主办了知名度高,深受欢迎的1~24届年度传统民俗街节(几万人流量的活动/Heritage Village Festival, 1~19届音乐节/Music Festival及音乐颁奖晚会/Gala Concert (几百人参赛,上千人参加活动), 年度灯节/Festival of Lights(300-500人参加), 年度欢乐大合唱/Choral Extravaganza (3百合唱演员,400-600观众),深受加拿大政府总理,联邦、省,市办公室对社区贡献的认可,称赞及赢得社会各界的尊重。
Arts Richmond Hill
Founded in 1979, Arts Richmond Hill is a community based Arts Council whose mandate is the advancement of arts, culture and heritage through promotion, aware-ness, and education. Arts Richmond Hill is supported through membership, donations, sponsorships, and grants. It is our long-term goal to create an "Integrated Living Arts Community" in association with all members of the public, and to perpetuate arts, culture and heritage within our community for the next generation.
Arts Richmond Hill is not-for-profit, voluntary organization committed to enhancing the arts, culture and heritage in the Town of Richmond Hill through an entrepreneurial approach to program, services and facility provision.
Accessible programs, services, and facilities regardless of age, gender, economic position and cultural background; unification of Arts Organizations for the enhancement of the intrinsic values of arts, culture and heritage; open debate of arts, culture and heritage challenges and collaborative resolution of related issues; fiscal and organizational account ability to residents and Town Council; provision of quality arts and culture experiences for participants and spectators alike.

总策划 杨浩蓬(Helen Yang )
自2006年至今,杨浩蓬担任过列治文山艺术协会主席、理事、秘书、行政主任和活动组委会负责人,成功策划开展重大公益文化艺术活动。 参与过筹款及捐赠了一部价值近17万加币的Steinway 演奏钢琴庆祝列治文山演艺中心新剧院的完工;捐赠20万加币给列治文山市长艺术基金;担任过第22届至24届年度民俗文化节主席或共同主席;帮助过列治文山艺术协会 和深圳宝安区在列治文山市演艺中心剧院共同主办过2周的中国画艺术作品展,促进中加文化艺术交流及友谊;担任过音乐节及颁奖音乐会副主席;参与在列治文山演艺中心剧院广场筹建的近20万加币的艺术表演铜雕,鼓励艺术创作。
2016年,积极参与策划中加文化交流活动 - 第2届深圳国际社团大会暨"创享深圳联通世界"高峰论坛(Toronto)并推动深圳与多伦多结建为友好城市,被评为"深圳十大杰出侨领"。
About Haopeng (Helen) Yang:
Helen Yang has been a board director for Arts Richmond Hill since 2007. She managed the office operation and worked very hard together with the team to have raised funds CAD $200,000 to support the Town of Richmond Hill Mayor's Endowment Fund in 2008; delivered a Grand Steinway Concert Piano around CAD$170.000 value to Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts in 2007; delivered a bronze ballet dancing figure sculpture statue at the Piazza of Richmond Hill centre for the performing arts in 2013.
As a festival chair, co-chair or committee member, Helen Yang made great contribution to the success of Heritage Village Festival, Music Festival, Festival of Lights, Music Festival Gala Concert, Choral Extravaganza, Chinese Painting Art Exhibition in Richmond Hill from 2007-2015.
Helen Yang Received Ontario Leading Women Building Communities Award and Richmond Hill the 53rd Volunteer Achievement Award in 2015; received the "Outstanding Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Leaders Award" in 2016 at the 2nd International Conference of Shenzhen Associations (Toronto).
舞台监督兼音乐总监助理倪娟娟(Joanne Ni)

倪娟娟 2007年在多倫多文化青年交響樂團(TCYO)擔任樂譜管理,2011年擔任副會長。2012年進入加拿大小交響樂團(CS)董事會兼加拿大小交響樂青少年樂團(CSYO)會長(2012-2014)。於2014 年擔任CS年度籌款晚宴共同主席。數次帶團主辦青少年樂團至中國及歐洲巡演。
Joanne Ni joined the Toronto Culture Youth Orchestra in 2007 for score librarian , a vice President on 2011 , 2012-14 President of Canadian Sinfonietta Youth Orchestra 2012 to be board of Canadian Sinfonietta ,a Co-Chair (CS Annual Fund-Raising Dinner 2014), she arranged and lead several youth orchestra to China and Euro.
宣传组长 Dave(叶晓堤)博士

05. Dave(叶晓堤)博士;现任五湖国际文化艺术中心(FOFA,加拿大)总裁丶美国《天下华人》杂志社加拿大分社社长、《加拿大文物与艺术学报》总编、《教育与未来》社长,世界华文媒体理事、加拿大国际友邦学院副校长、巜国际五湖美术》主编、加拿大国家经济一号台. Xiaodi ye(Dave Ye); Ph.D;
Five Oceans International Culture and Arts Center (FOFA), 巜Universal Chinese》publish house Canada branch, World Chinese Media, World Callinghrapher & Painting Weekly, 巜Acta of Canada relics & Arts》
导演吴宗源先生(David Wu)

06. 吴宗源先生毕业于广州星海音乐学院管弦系大提琴专业,后赴英国留学取得工商管理硕士学位。曾先后就职于广东电视台、联想集团英国分公司、英国伦敦卫视CNE频道以及美国莎SHAR音乐产品公司等多家国内外知名企业。1995年定居加拿大后,创建了加拿大海途文化教育交流协会,致力于中加文化教育科技交流、音乐教育、演出、推广等活动,历任加拿大安省海外华人音乐协会董事及管弦乐团主席,加拿大万锦市交响乐团董事,加拿大小交响乐团董事。吴宗源先生具有丰富的国际市场营销管理经验,创建了CANNOMAN MUSIC INC.,成功在北美经营乐器进出口生意近二十年。同时以其在广东电视台担任音乐编辑及导演的丰富经验,创建了广东精英文化传播有限公司。广州亚运期间,以独立制片人身份与广东电视台体育频道合作制作了52集电视系列节目《美食天使》,还曾举办了广东省首届精英钢琴大师班系列,大型芭蕾杂技《天鹅湖》巡演,古典音乐演奏会及流行音乐演唱会等。
David Zong Yuan Wu graduated from the Guangzhou Xinghai conservatory of music in the major of cello. Afterward he went to study for his master's degree in business administration in England. Once he worked in Guangdong TV, The Lenovo group UK, TV CNE channel in UK, and SHAR music Company in Toronto. After settled in Canada in 1995, he is a founder of Cross Ocean Culture Association which promotes high technology,culture, education and entertainment between Canada and China. Once he was the board of director for Overseas Chinese Music Society (Ontario) and Markham symphony orchestra. He is currently serving as the board of director of Canadian Sinfonietta. Mr Wu is very experienced in international marketing business, he is a founder of Canoman Music Inc., which is dealing with strings musical instruments import and export business in Canada and USA for nearly 20 years. With his previous broadcasting experience, he also founded the Jollying Art & Media Co., Ltd. in Guangzhou which organized a numerous TV Broadcasting productions, classical and pop music concerts such as 52 episodes of TV series "Gourmet Angel" with Guangdong TV sports channel during the Guangzhou Asian Game 2010, The Guangdong Piano Master Class series and large acrobatic ballet" Swan Lake" tour, etc.
广告组长高秀山(Philip Gao)

加拿大秀山国际文化传媒公司(Canadian Xiushan International Cultural Media Company )(加拿大注册号码241208909)
《秀山传媒》是以演艺传媒为依托,对于优秀(1)企业产品、优秀(2)人才作品、优秀(3)政府项目,进行中加两国间的贸易、交流、对接合作。关于以上三方面的业务请访问我们的网站 www.xiushanmining.com
联系电话: 001- 4169945515 微信:892550663
朗诵、作词 孙殿涛 Diantao Sun

旅美资深华媒体 ,美国ACM盟传媒总编辑、交响合唱《奔向未来》与《和平颂》词作者之一及首席朗诵。
Senior Chinese American chief editor for ACM;Lyric writer and recitation for choral symphony 《Towards the Future》 &《Ode to Peace》

09. 朗诵 王燕云
Victoria Wang
Graduated from the Peking University Department of Chinese, she is a senior media person. She likes recitation art and has an unique, attractive and charming sound, being active on stages of performance of the Chinese community.
Victoria Wang
Graduated from the Peking University Department of Chinese, she is a senior media person. She likes recitation art and has an unique, attractive and charming sound, being active on stages of performance of the Chinese community.

节目主持人周小璇(Christine Zhou)

Christine graduated with a Masters in piano performance from Concordia University in Montreal. She has worked for the International Channel Shanghai for five years as presenter, director, editor and producer. She has hosted many events and performances, including for the United Nations in Barcelona (2010). Currently she is in Toronto working on documentary projects and teaching piano.
周小璇毕业于加拿大蒙特利尔Concordia 大学。她在上海电视台国际频道担任过主播、主编、制片等工作。 她多次担任大型国际活动的英文主持,例如:2010年在Barcelona的联合国大会。目前,她在多伦多制作记录片及教授钢琴课。

11.张宝宝,多伦多大学商学院毕业生,多大戏剧社演员,连续四年千人春晚主持经验,曾主持多场企业年会及大型峰会, 舞台经验丰富。
Carina Zhang, graduated from Rotman Commerce at University of Toronto and is currently studying her MBA. She was the actress at U of T Drama Club, Emcee of GTA Spring Gala for four years. She has experience in hosting financial conference, company gala as well shows with more than 3,000 audience.


13.作曲家 黄安伦
An-lun Huang
Memberof CMC, CLC, CanadianChinese composer."His accomplishments rivals Masters in the West" and " reflect the great country of China"--- with such many of the comments internationally, An-lun Huangs compositions have been widely performed and warmly received globally. Graduated from Yale 1986, his ballet "Dream of Dunhuang" has been selected as one of the "Master Pieces of the Chinese Compositions in 20th Century". Numerous of his CDs, LPs and scores have been published and released. More than 20 of his works have been chosen as the collections of "National Musical 100 Years", the Chinas official music publishing project.
Critical Acclaim:
"As great as the masters works" ----SoundTech, HongKong, 1999.

14.花腔女高音歌唱家 Allison Cecilia Arends 是一名正在快速上升的加拿大花腔女高音新星,「她的音色"清亮美麗,有智慧和敏感度"(Hnatyshyn Foundation)」。無論歌剧,新音乐和音乐会曲目,她都受到高度的重视,「不自覺得會迷上她抒情的嗓音(Opera Canada)」。
艾莉森毕业于卡加利歌剧院新兴艺术家計劃,在多伦多歌剧院大学完成了音乐硕士和维多利亚大学音乐学士学位,目前在芝加哥師從史蒂芬·史密斯。最近的演出包括与勃拉姆斯交响乐团合作到德國、中國巡回演出。在牙买加举行的音乐会,與里贾纳爱乐乐团合唱团演出莫扎特的C小调段子。与里贾纳交响乐团演唱奧佛的Carmina Burana ,參加他吉爾伯特和沙利文晚會與多伦多音乐会乐团演出。在南安大略省歌剧院演出威尔第的La Traviata飾演 Violetta。与布拉夫斯教堂管弦乐队飾演Lauretta演出普契尼的Gianni Schicchi,以及與約克歌劇團演出多尼采蒂的Lucia di Lammermoor 歌劇中擔任主要角色和在Lelisir damore 歌劇中扮演雅典娜的角色。
当她听了张祥雨老師专门為庆祝加拿大建国150周年慶而创作的高难度的花腔女高音协奏曲以后 , 格外兴奋, 对作品大加赞扬, 并非常高兴参演这场音乐会。這是她聽完作品後的回覆 「Dear David, what a beautiful piece, It looks wonderful! I would love to perform it ! 」。

钟玫,女高音,美国印第安纳州鲍尔州立大学音乐学院声乐教授、博士 生导师。获美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校博士学位(DMA)和美国加州大学洛杉矶分校硕士学位(MFA)。 现任美国音乐协会国际音乐大会筹办委员会委员。钟玫师从美国著名声乐艺术指导家约翰·伍斯特 曼(John Wustman),曾在美国20多个州举办过100多场独唱音乐会,在 "蝴蝶夫人"、"卡门" 和"修女"等歌剧中担任女高音主角,并多次在交响乐和合唱大型曲目中担任独唱和领唱。钟教授 著述颇丰,出版的书和唱片曾先后受到美国国家声乐杂志的肯定和赞赏。她先后50多次在美国和欧 洲等多个国家的全国和国际学术会议上演唱,并发表科研进展报告。2002年获美国爱达荷州立大学 杰出大师奖;2007年获美国印第安纳州鲍尔州立大学杰出创意奖。 钟教授已被列入美国艺术家名 人录、美国教育家名人录、美国妇女名人录和美国名人录。
Dr. Mei Zhong, soprano, currently serves Ball State University as Professor of Voice. She earned a D. M.A. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and a M. F.A. from the University of California, Los Angeles; both degrees are in Vocal Performance. She earned a B.A. in Piano from Hunan Teachers University and a vocal performance diploma for advanced study from Shanghai Conservatory of Music.
Dr. Zhong performed several leading roles in opera productions, such as Butterfly in Madama Butterfly, Sister Angelica in Suor Angelica, Micaëla in Carmen, etc. She was a soloist in choral and symphony productions of Dvorák's Te Deum, Beethoven's Symphony No. 9, Carl Orff's Carmina Burana, Dona Nobis Pacem, etc. Her numerous performances, solo recitals, concerts and operas have taken her to more than twenty-four states in the U.S. and several cities in China. Zhong has given many master classes and lecture recitals at various institutions and conferences internationally. She has published articles, books and recordings about singing, teaching, and Puccini. She received the top faculty honor of Outstanding Creative Endeavor Award as one faculty member selected from Ball State University in 2007.

16.男高音歌唱家 叶曲凌
著名男高音歌唱家叶曲凌是加拿大多伦多音乐学院院长, 意大利贝利尼国际音乐比赛的国际评委,罗马音乐节艺术总监,加拿大国际艺术家音乐与舞蹈 协会主席,英国'WHO'S WHO'国际名人大典名人。1987考入北京中央音乐学院先后师从著名声乐家郭淑珍与黎信昌1988年在香港大会堂成功举办了独唱音乐会,1989年获奖学金赴加拿大皇家音乐学院深造,毕业后成为加拿大皇家音乐学院 第一位华人声乐教师。1993年获奖学金,1995年在获得硕士学位的同时荣获国际艺术家音乐比赛声乐金奖,并在纽约卡耐基音乐厅成功举办了个人独唱音乐会。1996年在美国亚利桑那州立歌剧院演出歌剧主演《蝴蝶夫人》,2005年应邀于中央电视台的《走进歌剧》主讲嘉宾,2007年在全国成功地举办了巡回演出舒伯特《美丽的磨坊女》2009 年应意大利著名斯卡拉歌剧院乐团邀请在国家大剧院演出歌剧名曲音乐会, 和在多伦多演艺中心演唱会,2010 在意大利独唱会 ,2011年应邀在国家大剧院中国首演舒伯特声乐套曲《冬之旅》等,近年来他在世界各地演唱, 他培养了很多歌唱家,为中国歌唱家走向国际舞台做出了重要的贡献!
Mr. Colin Yip is one of Chinas most successful and leading tenors. He is and has been the President of the Toronto School of Music Canada and the International Music & Dance Association since 1996. He is currently admitted in the International Who's Who of Intellectuals in 1997, and has also been an adjudicator for the Bellini and Verdi international Music Competition in Italy since 1999. He has also been invited to Roma Music Festival as President, and has appeared on television in Italy, New York, Canada, China, Singapore, Malaysia, and Hong Kong. He Graduated from Beijing Central Conservatory of Music, and Artist Diploma Program at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Canada. He has won first prize in the National Teachers of Singing Competition in Canada, and also joined the faculty of the Royal Conservatory of Music as a voice teacher in 1990. In 1995 he got Master degree with Manhattan School of Music US, he won 1st place at the Artist International Music Competition and had a recital debut at Carnegie Hall, as well as a solo recital at the Toronto Centre for the Arts. He performed with the La Scala Orchestra Milano at the National Centre for the Performing Arts in China. He Founded the International Bellini and Verdi Voice competition in China and Hong Kong. In recent years, he has also been training many singers from North America and Asia, taking them onto the international stage.

17.钢琴家 余茕
生于哈尔滨,毕业于上海音乐学院。在国内时,曾师从许路加和李民铎等教授.以后留学德国弗莱堡音乐学院和斯图加特音乐学院,曾入选Alexis Weissberg大师班,并获得博士学位。2015年在纪念世界而战和中国抗日胜利70周的和平颂交响音乐会上,与华盛顿国际交响乐团成功合作演出了钢琴协奏曲《黄河》获得一致好评。
Born in Harbin, graduated from Shanghai Conservatory of Music; studied from Professor Xu, Lujia and Li, mingduo in China and at Freiburg Conservatory of Music & Stuttgart Conservatory of Music; selected to Alexis Weissbergs Master Class and achieved his PhD; successfully played the famous piece of piano concerto "Yellow River" at the choral symphony《Ode to Peace》to commemorate the world wars and the 70th anniversary of the victory of anti - Japanese war with great acclaim.

18.女高音歌唱家 刘玉梅
刘玉梅1978年毕业于哈尔滨第三中学并考入哈尔滨师范学习音乐,1981考入北京中央民族歌舞团担任歌唱演员,出于对古典音乐的强烈的热爱1985考入中央音乐学院跟随著名歌唱家郭淑珍及王福曾教授学习声乐,1989年,刘玉梅获得了加拿大皇家音乐学院奖学金,赴皇家音乐学院攻读艺术家学位,1990以优异的成绩毕业并成为皇家音乐学院声第一位华人乐教师。1993 赴美国纽约曼哈顿音乐学院攻读硕士学位, 1995年在美国纽约赢得了第二十三届国际艺术家声乐比赛获得杰出艺术家的称号,并在美国纽约世界着名的卡内基音乐厅成功地举办了独唱音乐会,纽约时报报道"刘玉梅那优美、纯净、华丽的声音,每唱一首歌曲都赢得如雷的掌声,她对西洋歌剧演唱方面有深刻理解和超凡的天才"。加拿大《多伦多星报》曾这样评价刘玉梅:"Mary Liu所演出的《蝴蝶夫人》惟妙惟肖,观众为其逼真的表演所倾倒,为她的甜美声音所痴迷,彷佛是或者的小蝴蝶"。马来西亚《光华日报》评论说:"刘玉梅的演唱让人听出耳油,绕梁三日不绝于耳"等等。一时间成绩和赞誉接踵而至,这样的成绩足以让中国为之骄傲,在此同时1996 刘玉梅 与著名男高音歌唱家叶曲凌先生 共同创办了加拿大多伦多音乐学院,为音乐界培养了人才。
刘玉梅在1996年 及1998年 两次赢得意大利政府颁发给加拿大杰出音乐家的奖金赴意大利巡演,1999至今担任意大利贝利尼国际声乐比赛评委。2000应中央电视台的邀请嘉宾,2002 做北京中国人唱外国歌声乐比赛评委,2008应邀赴意大利 RAI TELEVITION 为罗马教皇演出,并向全世界直接播放,同年应邀参加布拉格,布拉提斯拉瓦,维也纳等地的音乐节并进行了演出。
2009-2010 应邀与世界着名的拉斯卡拉歌剧院(Teatro alla Scala) 以及佛罗伦萨五月歌剧院(Teatro Maggio Musicale Fiorentino乐团及著名男高音歌唱家叶曲凌先生合作,在意大利、中国国家大剧院及中国人民大会堂进行了演出。同年在著名作曲家普契尼的家乡参加歌剧节的演出,2011年3月 受意大利电视台RAI TELEVITION的邀请, 在Roma Parco dell Musica 主办的音乐会,以及在保加利亚VARNA国家歌剧院主演的蝴蝶夫人受到一致好评。并接受2012图兰朵的演出. 2011 年8月应邀与意大利音乐家及青岛交响乐团在青岛大剧院义演为青岛孤儿院筹款80万,2012 两次应邀与意大利指挥家及叶曲凌先生和云南聂耳交响乐团为庆祝聂耳诞辰100周年演出倍受好评!2011- 2017连续应邀做罗马音乐节音乐总监,玛利亚卡洛斯国际比赛及意大利威尔第国际比赛评委,2013年10月将前往意大利罗马音乐节进行演出,同年12月 将赴意大利罗马圣诞节音乐会的演出,并于 2017 五月应中央电视台CCTV邀请为中华情节目演出,前往纽约进行玛利亚卡洛斯记念音乐会的演出, 近年来她为培养年青音乐家及为中国音乐家走上国际舞台做出了不小的贡献!
"A sensational soaring voice" World Journal, New York.
Soprano Mary Liu's operatic performances have included the leading roles of CioCio San in Madama Butterfly, Mimi in La Boheme, Liu in Turandot, Tosca in Tosca, Violetta in La Traviata and the Countess in Le Nozze di Figaro, to name a few. She has sung in New York's Carnegie Hall, the Toronto Centre for the Performing Arts, the National Centre for the Performing Arts in Beijing. She has also performed in Opera Fest di Roma, the 55th Puccini Festival Season in Torre del Lago, Italy, and with the New Jersey State Opera, Queens Opera and was featured in special concerts singing operatic repertoire in China, accompanied by the La Scala Chamber Orchestra Milano and the Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino chamber Orchestra Italy.
Ms. Liu has worked with legendary artists such as Dame J.Sutherland, Richard Bonynge, Enrico De Mori, Giuseppe Acquaviva, Stefano Pagliani, Domenico Pierini, Giovanni Reggiori and Franz Albanese. In addition to being a concert performer with renowned orchestras, Mary also gave numerous recitals that appeared on television in New York, Toronto, Italy, China, Singapore, Malaysia, and throughout Southeast Asia.
Ms. Liu began singing while as a student in her native Harbin, China and was selected as a solo performer with the Central National Song and Dance Company, Beijing. She won a scholarship at the Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing with Professor Guo ShuZhen and Wang FuZong, and received coaching on Italian repertoire from Maestro Nicola Rossi Lemeni. After graduation and a successful debut recital in Hong Kong City Hall, Mary was accepted in the Artist Diploma Program at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Canada, where she also began teaching voice. In 1993, Ms. Liu received a scholarship from the Manhattan School of Music in New York and studied with Professors Gabor Carelli and Ted Pufer until May 1995, when she received her Master's degree in music. Later that same year, Mary won first prize in the Artist International Music Competition in New York and subsequently gave her New York City debut the following year.
She appeared as Cio-Cio San in Roma Opera Festival's production of Puccini's Madama Butterfly and in 1999, Ms. Liu held a concert tour in Italy. She also adjudicated in the Beijing Central Television Singing Competition and the Qing Dao International Voice Competition. She acted as an adjudicator in the International Bellini Music Competition, the Maria Callas Voice Competition in Italy from 1999 to 2010, the Verdi Voice Competition in Busseto, Italy and the Roma Voice Competition, Italy. In 2005, Ms. Liu performed as Violetta in La Traviata in Rome, and had a solo recital in the Toronto Centre for the Performing Arts. In 2008, she performed for Rai, Italian Television for a concert in honor of the Pope Benedetto XVI in Vatican City, Rome and again for Rai Television at the Parco della Musica, she also sang for QingDao orphanage in the same year, and raise $800000 for the orphanage. She again appeared in the role of Cio-Cio San in Theater Varna's production of Madama Butterfly in Bulgaria this past March. She has been invited back by the theater to perform in their production of Turandot in 2012. She also has been invited to Roma Music Festival as Art Director from 2011 to 2013; and held a concert with Mr. Colin Yip and Nie-er ochestra in 2012. Ms. Liu also is judge for International Verdi Competition from 2011 to 2017; in May 2017 Ms Liu got invited for the performance at CCTV Television China.
Ms. Liu is the Dean and Voice Department Head of the Toronto School of Music Canada and continues to adjudicate in international competitions as well as performs worldwide in operas, concerts, and solo recitals. She also gave concerts and masterclasses in Italy China, Italy and the USA.

19.男中音歌唱家 武云
男中音歌唱家、声乐副教授。CCTV 青年歌手大奖赛美声专业组获奖者;全国声乐比赛获奖者;陕西省声乐比赛一等奖。多次参加国际声乐大师班,得到世界一流声乐大师的指导。出演过多部中国民族歌剧和西洋歌剧,多个城市举办过独唱音乐会。从事音乐学院声乐教学二十余年,学生多人在国内外声乐比赛中获奖,被专业艺术团体录用,活跃在歌唱舞台上。
Yun Wu is a baritone and associate professor of vocal music. After graduating from Xian Conservatory of Music, he continued his studies at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing. He was a prize winner at both the CCTV Young Singer Grand Prix and the National Vocal Competition sponsored by the Ministry of Culture. He then went on to win the Shaanxi Provincial Vocal Competition and also attended many international vocal master classes, receiving training from world-class vocal masters. With nearly 20 years of teaching experience in the Conservatory of Music, Professor Yun Wu has also brought up numerous vocal students, many of whom have won prizes in both domestic and international vocal competitions. They have been chosen into professional art troupes that actively perform on stage.
Since immigrating to Canada, Yun Wu has performed at many important large-scale music events as a solo singer as well as holding his own solo concert. These events include the Celebration Concert for the 20th Anniversary of Chinese Artists Society of Toronto, Toronto Chinese New Years Gala, grand epic music and dance show: "Sun Yat-Sen in Toronto", East Meets West New Year Concert, and many more. At the same time, he founded the Yun Wu Vocal Art Teaching Centre, which has trained a group of vocal lovers at a professional level. Some of his students have even gone on to hold solo concerts, which were praised and well-received by the public audience.

professional career as a solo singer and hostess, Ms. Zhang worked at the Guangzhou Art and Dancing Ensemble and also Hunan Broadcast Art Ensemble.
She arrived in the United States in 1989 to study vocal music at the Brooklyn Conservatory of Music in New York City. She is currently the Artistic Director of the famed Yellow River Art Ensemble in the Greater Washington area. Critics hailed her recital in August 2011 at the F. Scott Fitzgerald Theater an enormous success.
She has been a judge for many singing competitions for the Chinese American society. She also received the "Most Popular Award" at the Final Stage of CCTV "Chinese New Year's Gala" US Talent Hunt (2014) in Los Angeles. Ms. Zhang has made numerous appearances on metro DCs stages and has received rave reviews for her enriching voice and performances. She lives in Fairfax, Virginia and teaches vocal music at her own musical studio.

2008年全家移居多伦多,随即创办了"艺萍音乐教育中心",同时加盟本地主流音乐团体,任NYCO、SPO大提琴演奏员,并多次和David Bowser执棒的NYCO交响乐团、Ronald Royer执棒的SPO交响乐团、梁二黑博士执棒的华人艺术家中心爱乐乐团合作,把中国传统音乐成功地介绍给了本地听众。她在声乐艺术上博采众长,逐渐形成了独特的演唱风格,得到了不同族裔听众的认可。
Yiping began learning music and the cello from her father at her early age. She graduated from Henan University, China. Afterwards, she continued her study at Tianjin Conservatory of Music and Minzu University of China. Over 20 years, she has taught in two universities. She has published a series of academic papers, lyrics, poems and prose. She has also published some university textbooks.
In 2008, Yiping immigrated into Toronto. Soon thereafter she founded "Yiping Music Education Centre" and joined local well-known orchestras as a cellist, such as NYCO and SPO. Many times she cooperated with NYCO Symphony Orchestra conducted by David Bowser, the Scarborough Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Ronald Royer, Chinese Artists Society of Toronto Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Erhei Liang, to introduce successfully Chinese traditional music to Torontonians. Yipings singing adopted much from others, and formed her unique feature, which was admitted by different ethnic groups.
In September of 2015, the Scarborough Philharmonic Orchestra run her solo concert: "East Meets WestYiping

21.女高音歌唱家 孙帼楠
孙帼楠,女高音歌唱家。毕业于多大音乐学院声乐歌剧系,获高级演唱家文凭,师从世界著名男高音歌唱家、声乐教育家、声乐歌剧系主任Darryl Edwards教授,是目前该校唯一获得此学位的中国歌唱家。西安音乐学院声乐专业学士学位, 声乐教育专业硕士学位,是中国西北地区第一位获得该硕士学位的人。
曾担任多伦多有四十多年历史的合唱团Orpheus Choir 领唱;多伦多著名歌剧公司-Opera in ConcertCompany歌剧团女中音。
曾多次参加国内外歌剧、清唱剧的演出和举办过多场个人独唱音乐会。参加莫扎特清唱剧《第一戒的义务》在多伦多的首演,主演剧中 Chirst一角。曾参加中央电视台德国艺术歌曲专场音乐会独唱的录制等。
GuonanSun: Advanced Diploma in voice performance, Faculty of Music, University of Toronto. Bachelor and Master Degree in Vocal Music Education, Dep. of Music Education, Xian Conservatory of Music.
Leader of Mezzo- Soprano, Orpheus Choir, Toronto. Mezzo- soprano, Opera in Concert Company, Toronto. Artistic conductor, teacher, Choir of Mississauga Chinese Arts Organization, and Choir of Fengcai Arts Organization. Voice Instructor for eight years, Voice Department, Capital Normal University., China.
Many voice awards at Provincial, National, International voice competitions. The best voice Award, International Grand Vocal Competition, Opera Centre, Italy. The 3rd Prize, and Honor Prize, National Television Voice Competition, Shaanxi Province region, China. Honor Prize, The Fifth World Chinese People Vocal Music Grand Competition, Taiwan. The 3rd Prize, Vocal Music Grand Prize Competition for National Universities Teachers, China.
Performance in many Operas and Oratorios in Toronto. Held many Recitals both in Toronto and China.
大提琴首席Principal cello:夏国晟 (James Xia)

夏老师毕业于美国哈特福德大学音乐学院演奏大师班。他在2010年获得加拿大皇家音乐学院首次颁发的, 唯一的一位大提琴教师奖,并在2014年再次获此殊荣。
夏老师曾为多伦多青年交响乐团培养和输送过多名优秀大提琴学生, 该团是多伦多二十岁以下最具音乐才华的艺术殿堂。他在从事教学工作的同时也长期活跃在多伦多华人音乐舞台上。
微信号码:jamesxialaoshi 电话号码:416-704-7966
Mr. James Xia graduated from the School of Music of the Hartford University. He received a Golden Cello Teacher Award from The Royal Conservatory of Music (RCM) in 2010, the first and the only winner of this award in Ontario; and he won the same award from RCM in 2014.
James has cultivated many talent cello students and sent them to the Toronto Symphony Youth Orchestra, which is an arts palace hall for youth musical talents. While engaged in teaching music, James is very active in performing variety of concerts as a principal cello at the Chinese Artist Society of Toronto.
Mr. Xia’s contact information:
We-chat account: jamesxialaoshi

22.钢琴家 谢秀贞(Elsa)
謝秀貞女士出生台灣。 畢業於英國伯明翰音樂學院。 主修鋼琴演奏與教學。 副修長笛大提琴。 1988年獲得英國威爾斯Tystysgrif 鋼琴決賽第一名。 1990年,謝秀貞移居加拿大多倫多。 成立謝秀貞音樂工作室。 教學無數。 固定舉辦學生及個人音樂會,每一場都是座無虛席,並獲密市市長特頒音樂貢獻證書及媒體的熱烈響應。 謝秀貞女士並任命2007年全多倫多聖樂佈道總指揮一職, 廣受好評。2015 年,謝秀貞創立魅力傳神音樂,用音樂任命做一個中西文化交流的親善大使。2017謝秀貞女士是加拿大Absolutely Fabulous Women 及 Dancing Damsels的得獎者。
Elsa Hsieh was born in Taiwan and studied Piano Performing and Teaching in Birmingham Conservatoire UK, as well as her minor in flute & cello. She was awarded 1st prize in the Wales Tystysgrif piano competition in 1988.
Elsa started her music studio in 1990 Mississauga. Many of her students have won scholarships in the Peel Music Festivals and have performed for Red Cross and additional fundraising events. Her concerts were always full house events, receiving high praise from the previous Mayor, Hazel McCallion, who attended every single one and also gave the Recognition of Music Contribution award in 2004, at her "One Moment In Time" concert.
Elsa was selected as the mass choir leader in the 2007 Toronto Evangelical Crusade.and also the awardee for both Absolutely Fabulous Women & Dancing Damsels in 2017 this year.
Though Elsa Hsieh is currently a full time realtor, she formed Dolce De Soleil music group in 2016 and is planning her Canada 150 touring performance this year.

著名京胡演奏家。 具有深厚的小 提琴演奏基础, 中西皆通。小提琴师从云南艺术学院 孙和 生教授 。曾在云南省歌午团管弦乐队担任第 一小提琴声部演奏员 ,参演过多部经典 音乐作品。 京胡师从国家 级琴师周铭义先生 ,曾参加过交响乐京剧等 数次京胡的演奏和伴奏。是旅加华人 最著名的京胡演奏家之一 。曾多次应邀参加中国驻多伦多总领事馆举办的 文艺晚会的京胡演奏 和伴奏。他对于这次有机会参加"天下一 家"交响音乐会这样高档,盛大的演出, 感到非 常荣 幸!
Mr. Xue Zhong Li, a well-known Jinghu performer from YunNan China. His music training was started with violin taught by famous fiddler and teacher named Mr. Sun He Sheng. With years of music study and performing experiences, Mr. Li played as first fiddler in the orchestra of YunNan Art and Performance Company in 1970s. Later, Mr.Zhou Ming Yi, who was one of the most influential Jinghu performers recognized by National Music Assessment of China in YunNan province, mentored him. From the time he moved to Toronto, Mr. Li was invited to perform in multiple concerts organized by Chinese Consulate in Toronto. He is excited to be part of the "Tian Xia Yi Jia" concert and wish the success of this event.

24.男高音 张筑麟
抒情男高音,电脑软件工程师,美国首都华盛顿地区男声合唱团团长,曾任华盛顿黄河艺术团团长。2013年师从声乐教师肖玲学习美声唱法, 2014年至今师从声乐教授陈淑琬学习。曾得到许多华府声乐名师的个别辅导,包括张丽慧,钟玫,和李毅等。多年来在华盛顿地区重要音乐会上担任独唱,领唱和二重唱。包括历年黄河艺术团"金秋月圆"大型歌舞晚会,2011"亲情中华"中国侨联春节慰问演出,2011"中国之夜"庆中秋歌舞晚会,"九一八"八十周年纪念音乐会等。应邀在华府2012年《奔向未来》和2015《和平颂》首演交响音乐会上担任男女声二重唱。2015年在上海东方艺术中心《和平颂》交响音乐会上担任男女声二重唱。于2016年与女高音韩维成功举办"为你歌唱"独唱音乐会。
Zhulin Chang, tenor, president of Washington mens chorus, and former president of Washington Yellow River Art Ensemble, has studied voice by taking private lessons for years. Zhulin is a soloist of many musical groups in the metropolitan area, and is frequently featured in concerts and musical events. In 2016 Zhulin successfully held a joint solo recital with soprano Wei Han. Zhilin also holds a Master degree in Computer Software Science, and has a successful career in software engineering.

25.女高音 韩维
抒情女高音,大气物理学博士,软件工程师。师从声乐教授陈淑琬学习美声唱法十余年至今。2012-2013年师从声乐教师肖玲学习,十多年来曾得到许多华府声乐名师的个别辅导,包括(依时间顺序)裔国芳,储洪发,白海波,张丽慧,钟玫,和李毅等。多次在美国华盛顿地区重要音乐会上担任独唱、领唱和二重唱。包括历年黄河艺术团"金秋月圆"大型歌舞晚会,2011"亲情中华"中国侨联春节慰问演出,2011"中国之夜"庆中秋歌舞晚会,"九一八"八十周年纪念音乐会等。曾参加2010 Opera International 歌剧《茶花女》的演出。应邀在华盛顿2012年《奔向未来》和2015《和平颂》首演交响音乐会上担任男女声二重唱。2015年在上海东方艺术中心《和平颂》交响音乐会上担任男女声二重唱。于2016年与男高音张筑麟成功举办"为你歌唱"独唱音乐会。"微风六"女子声乐组合成员。多次受邀担任音乐赛事的评委。
Wei Han, lyric soprano, has studied voice by taking private lessons for many years. Wei is a soloist and frequently featured in concerts and musical events. Wei sang "La Traviata" with the Opera International at the Strathmore Music Center in 2010. Wei is a member of vocal ensemble "Breeze 6". In 2016 Wei successfully held a joint solo recital with tenor Zhulin Chang. Wei also holds a Ph.D. degree in Atmospheric Science, and has a successful career in software engineering.

曾任中央人民广播电台少年广播合唱团、清华大学学生合唱队、北京爱乐女声合唱团,长江合唱团,天舒合唱团女高音独唱,领唱,有幸多次在名师严良堃,聂中明,秋里,胡德风,吴玲芬,吕嘉,平士芳,孟大鹏等指挥下参加国家级大型演出,录音录像及国际交流;2008年底创建了多伦多清华校友艺术团任团长兼合唱指挥,带领团队积极为校友,耆老,社区服务,并与其他族裔专业/业余团体合作演出了著名的贝多芬第九交响曲《欢乐颂》,Roy Thomson Hall的千人圣乐大合唱,中国首部清唱剧《长恨歌》等。2011年成功总导演并主持了由清华人自编自导自演的《百年清华 无限枫情》大型文艺演出,广受好评和肯定。2013-2016率团在金枫国际合唱节上获银奖及表演嘉宾,以及2015年大型舞蹈史诗《和平颂》和与中乐团合作的《古辞新韵情未了》音乐会等。除了带领团队,自己也一直在艺术上不断的追求,每年音乐会上呈现中外美声民族名曲独唱。
Graduated from Tsinghua University , Electronic Engineering, Ms. Cai was employed in several science and technology companies in China , USA and Singapore. When moved to Toronto in 1997, she joined a global computer technology company, engaged in database management.
Ms. Cais stage performing experience dated back to her 12 years old, when she participated in China National Radio Children's Choir. Since then, she has been actively pursuing and leading in vocal music. During 5-year study in Tsinghua University , she was principal soprano in Tsinghua University Student Choir. After graduated, she joined Beijing Female Choir after work as solo soprano, lead singer and performed in Beijing Opera Concert Hall, City Hall Theater, CCTV/BTV, and radio programs; After moved to Toronto , she founded Tsinghua Alumni choir and served as head of choir, music director and conductor. Apart from leadership roles, Ms. Cai is a soloist, actively performing in concerts and events with various selection of songs.

李涛宏博士, 目前任枫彩艺术团团长, 艺术总监和声乐指导, 是大多伦多知名的华裔男中音之一. 李博士早在大学其间就曾在多项声乐竞赛中获奖,并多次在各种演出中担任主要角色.自2005年以来他师从于蜚声国际的著名歌剧演唱家张亚林, 并多次参加各种不同的专业的以及社区的文化艺术活动的演出, 包括由枫彩艺术团主办的各类活动和晚会的演出.凭借天赋及后天的专业声乐训练,李博士有着很强的意大利美声功底, 他的声音丰满、有力、音色宽厚,具有戏剧男高音所特有的华丽和深厚的音色,他演唱的曲目丰富多彩,包括各类中国民歌和艺术歌曲以及意大利美声的作品.
Dr. Ted Li, currently President of the Kaleidoscope Chinese Performing Arts Society (KCPA), is a talented opera singer, director and vocal coach who has been one of the most active Chinese Canadian singers in the GTA. Ted began singing when he was very young and he won several awards in various singing contests in China. Ted has taken vocal lessons with several famous Chinese singers ever since his childhood including the internationally acclaimed opera tenor Mario Zhang. Ted has performed at numerous events and venues including the annual Mid-Autumn Moon Festival Galas hosted by KCPA. Ted has recorded more than sixty songs that cultivated different musical genres and received excellent applause and reviews from his audience as well as critics.

毕业于加拿大滑铁卢大学电子工程系,工程硕士,曾任职加拿大和美国几间知名微电子公司Mitel, AMCC等,现为美芯集成电路IC设计总监。从小热爱文体,在舞蹈和声乐方面训练有素,尤其在多伦多的成人舞蹈领域,拥有一定的知名度。2016年至今,担任枫彩艺术团常务副团长,主管艺术团东区事务。
Selina Wang, Master of Engineering, University of Waterloo, E&CE. She worked for Mitel and AMCC for several years as a senior Analog IC design engineer, she had been with MC Devices for over 10 years to be an IC design director. Selina was an excellent athlete and a good performer when she was young, currently she is known as an outstanding dancer in Toronto community. She has been an executive vice president of KCPA since 2016, she is responsible for the activities of KCPA east group.

优秀民歌手白兰英(BaiYu) ,
是多伦多华联总会老年协会现代艺术团团长.从小酷爱声乐,十几岁开始活跃在午台上。她的歌声深受大众喜爱,曾受多位名师指点并进行过专业声乐学习训练。曾多次在省. 市. 厅. 局的大型演出和比赛中获得优秀演员奖和民歌个人独唱一等奖。

女高音-蔡红梅(Cai Hongmei)寇珊(Shan Kou) 女中音-付泽焰(Zeyan Fu ) 男高音-李宝松 (Baosong Li) 男中音 周乐昌(Leo Zhou )

29.女高音 寇珊,1989年来加拿大,完成工商本科,MBA硕士学位,热爱唱歌,近年师从武云老师,唱歌水平有很大提高。
Shan Kou, soprano, came to Canada in 1989 and completed her B.comm & MBA degrees. She enjoys singing and has made great progress in recent years under the guidance of her vocal teacher Mr Yun Wu.

30.女中音 北燕
Zeyan Fu, mezzo-soprano, loves singing since childhood. She is a member of Maple Art Troupe. She performs regularly as a soloist and collaborator with ensembles. She had performed in 2014 Canada National TV Spring Festival Show, 2014 Carassauga Multicultural Festival, 2015 Canada Global Chinese New Year Gala and 2015 Carnival China.

31.男高音 李宝松
Baosong Li, dramatic tenor, is the main tenor of Tsinghua University Alumni Choir of Toronto. He performs lots of solos, duets and choirs in Toronto.

32.男中音 周乐昌
男中音,在多伦多Markville Chevrolet车行从事汽车销售工作。业余声乐爱好者。早年在天津从师男中音歌唱家杨德富;现在多伦多,是著名女高音歌唱家胡晓平的业余学生,晓平合唱团团员。
Leo Zhou
Leo Zhou, baritone, is a salesman in Markville Chevrolet in Toronto. He learned singing from baritone Defu Yang in Tianjin China. Now he is a student of famous soprano Xiaoping Hu and performs in Xiaoping Choir.
票务助理 张伟冬 Max Zhang

生于1993年11月。 曾就读于天津师范大学,安省理工大学(UOIT),现就读于Sheridan College,Architectural Technology 专业。曾参加过五湖国际文化艺术中心举办的春江水暖画展。
崇尚高雅艺术。愿意为多伦多华人庆祝加拿大150周年而举办的《 天下一家》 交响音乐会这样意义重大, 高水平的大型公益演出尽己所能, 无私奉献!
Weidong Zhang born in November 1993
Graduated from TIANJIN NORMAL UNIVERSITY, University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT). Now study in Sheridan College, Architectural Technology. Has participated in the exhibition.
票务助理高萌(Jasmin Gao)

来自山东,就职于永明金融公司。操作电脑高手,热心公益事业。落落大方,充满阳光。 愿意为多伦多华人庆祝加拿大150周年而举办的《 天下一家》 交响音乐会这样意义重大, 高水平的大型公益演出尽己所能, 无私奉献。
微信宣传梁旭光(Eric Leung )

梁旭光来自吉林,就职于加美出入境公司。我是一个外向的男孩,对生活抱着乐观的态度。喜欢音乐,打羽毛球。愿意为多伦多华人庆祝加拿大150周年而举办的《 天下一家》 交响音乐会及中加文化交流无私奉献。
Eric Leung from Jilin, working in CAN-US ENTRY CONSULTING CO,.LED company. I am a quite outgoing boy holding an optimistic attitude towards life. Like music, playing badminton. Is willing to celebrate Canada's 150th anniversary of the celebration of Canada, "One world, One family " symphony concert and cultural exchanges in Canada selfless dedication.
05.求学创业向未来 (男高音领唱及合唱)
06.大地, 我的母亲(男女声二重唱)
08. 天下一家向大同(各族裔歌唱家重唱及合唱)
Toward to the Future> Symphonic Chorus
Symphonic Chorus
Lyrics David Zhang Diantao Sun
Translation Yuan Li
Note: The piece consists of 8 movemet The recital sections require male and female voice.
Table of Contents
Movement 01 - Overture (instrumental)
Movement 02 - Farewell, My Dear Ones (Baritone)
Movement 03 - The Chinese Railroad Men (male chorus)
Movement 04 - My Home Is Far Away (Soprano)
Movement 05- We Want to Make a Difference
(Tenor & male chorus)
Movement 06 Movement
07- This World Needs Peace (Mixed chorus)
Movement 08- We Are the World, We Are the Family
(Soli & Chorus)

Movement 01
- Overture (instrumental)
My fellow friends, nowadays if someone asks you "Are you Japanese or Vietnamese?" Im sure your answer will be unmistakably loud and clear: No. I am Chinese and Im from the mainland China. Indeed, we are all proud of being the Chinese today because China is no longer what it was over a century ago, when our forefathers were forced to leave their war wrought homeland to seek opportunities overseas. The early Chinese immigrants suffered immensely to make their way across the Pacific Ocean and finally settled down in the unwelcome West of U.S., only to experience tremendous strains and stresses in their new life. Lets hear the grievances from the bottom of their heart:
(男中音独唱,time: 3:35)

Movement 02 -
Farewell, My Dear Ones
(Baritono )
[Recital by Singer]
My motherland is a giant full of bruises inflicted by the war.
How I want to help but Im helpless - I deplore.
My dear motherland, I know you are powerful but just sleeping
But when will you wake up and start fighting
And give us a life free of coercion and poverty
And give us a life with all dignity?
Where there is a will there is a way.
I have a will, where is my way?
Im leaving, with expectations from my family
And hopes for my nation.
Im leaving to cross the Pacific
And I dont know when Ill be back again.
Good bye my dear motherland,
Ill be away and maybe for very long.
I promise Ill be your worthy child
And Ill be fearless and strong.
I am fearless and I am strong.
Im forging ahead and will never slow down.
Im seeking a new life across the ocean
And greeting a new dawn.
(男中音领唱及男声合唱,time: 5:38)
嗨吆呵,嗨吆!嗨吆呵 ,嗨吆!
嗨吆呵,嗨吆!嗨吆呵 ,嗨吆!
铁路飞架三千里, 横跨北美贯西东.
男女老少齐欢呼, 庆功会上无华工。

Movement 03
- The Chinese Railroad Men (Tenor & male chorus)
[Singing off stage]
Haiyo, haiyo, hai
Haiyo, haiyo, hai
My worst memories!
[Chorus, Part I]
Haiyo, haiyo, haiyo, haiyo!
We brave storms and waves of the Pacific
To join the Gold Rush in the American West,
We dig tunnels, build bridges, and lay railway tracks,
And we swallow injustice and put our will to test.
Haiyo, haiyo, haiyo, haiyo!
We brave storms and waves of the Pacific
To join the Gold Rush in the American West.
We dig tunnels, build bridges, and lay railway tracks.
And we swallow injustice and put our will to test.
We work in bitter cold or burning heat
To perform the impossible feat
In the intricate terrain where every task is perilous -
Mountains too high, canyons too deep, and rivers too treacherous.
Each day I go to work I wonder if Ill live to see you
Because were doing dangerous jobs that the white wont do.
But were clever, brave and skilled - come what may
And we know how to chisel the crags or blow them away.
Each day I go to work I wonder if Ill live to see you
Because were doing dangerous jobs the white wont do.
But were clever, brave and skilled - come what may
And we know how to chisel the crags or blow them away.
Herere our hands and shoulders if you need to move the railroad tie
And our dynamite can blast off the mountain tops no matter how high.
Hundreds of tunnels weve dug through
And weve also built bridges, not a few.
But they repaid us with hostility and jealousy
And shot us in cold blood out of lunacy.
There are bears in the wilderness lurking on foot.
And we are often attacked and become their food.
Sometimes the rope may snap,
On which we are hanging to light the explosive
And send us down to the rapids
Drowned and washed away for good.
The railroad finally comes to completion.
It stretches 3000 miles across the continent.
At the exciting event to celebrate
Why are the Chinese left out of the appreciation?
Worse still is the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1886
That plunges us all in fear and trepidation.
We are now closing this chapter of shame
Which will be remembered by the coming generation.
Well never forget those Chinese Railroad Men
And their heroic efforts and excellent tradition -
These we will carry forward
To all our children.

Movement 04 -
My Home Is Far Away (Soprano Solo )
Mountains, you are tall
But my love for my country you cant block from me at all.
Oceans, you are deep.
My home is in my heart and I dont need a ship.
In my mind I often see the snow peaks of northern China moving and dancing;
I also dream of the ripples of the southern lakes shining and turning.
I love the weeping willows on the riverside -
They witnessed my days of young heart and mind.
How can I forget that blossoming spring?
What a carefree child I was back then!
Yellow River, you gave me strength to pursue my career progress
Great Yangtze, I owe it to you for showing me the way to success.
My dear motherland,
How I want to come back and share with you
All the years I went through, weal and woe!
My dear motherland,
I will return
And serve you with all I learn
And serve you with all I learn!

Movement 05
We Want to Make a Difference
(Tenor & male chorus)
[Song, Part I]
Listen to the horn on the Great Wall:
We are entering an age of a new call.
Gone are the days when China was at others mercy.
Good bye to "Sick Man of Eastern Asia", once and for all.
We are the children of a great nation.
And we come to this new land to fulfill a great mission.
To learn the advanced technology from the West
We must not procrastinate.
To introduce and promote our culture
We are passionate.
We pursue facts and seek truth
With a scientists precision and perseverance
And we make big strides in life
With courage and intelligence.
We are nobodys inferior or superior.
Well never be arrogant for being the better.
In any line of work we do we try to excel
To achieve a great goal with a strong will.
Good soil provides for good seeds.
A tall tree does not grow from weeds.
We are the tall tree in a solid form
Thatll not bend in a storm.
In this broad land of the world
We are pursuing a lofty ideal in life.
To that end we are charging forward
Ready for any strife.
[Song, Part II]
Listen to the horn on the Great Wall:
We are entering an age of a new call.
Gone are the days when China was at others mercy.
Good bye to "Sick Man of Eastern Asia", once and for all.
We are the children of a great nation.
And we come to this new land to fulfill a great mission.
To learn the advanced technology from the West
We must not procrastinate.
To introduce and promote our culture
We are passionate.
We pursue facts and seek truth
With a scientists precision and perseverance
And we make big strides in life
With courage and intelligence.
We are not particular about a job title.
We can start with the salary of an entry level.
Either moving up or down we have an easy heart
Because we are intelligent and diligent people.
The Silicon Valley is a great stage for our show
To display skills and talents that only we know.
The Chinese oversea students have a great ambition
And in all walks of life we are outstanding.
On this fertile land we are marching forward
To greet a brilliant morning!
[Song, Part III]
Listen to the horn on the Great Wall
We are entering an age of a new call.
Gone are the days when China was at others mercy.
Good bye to "Sick Man of Eastern Asia", once and for all.
We are the children of a great nation.
And we come to this new land to fulfill a great mission.
To learn the advanced technology from the West
We must not procrastinate.
To introduce and promote our culture
We are passionate.
We pursue facts and seek truth
With a scientists precision and perseverance.
We make big strides in life
With courage and intelligence.
"When in Rome, do as the Romans do."
This applies to us all, no matter who.
Abide by the law wherever you stay
Remember all the rules that you must obey.
You should make more friends as you move on
But dont forget your old buddies in your hometown.
When two cultures merge between east and west
We have a better world to expect.
06.大地,我的母亲 time: 4:05

Movement 06
The earth, my mother
(Duet of Soprano and Tenor)
Nǚ gāoyīn, nán gāoyīn
If you ask me where I came from,
Mountains echo and rivers roar.
If you ask me where I came from,
Mountains echo and rivers roar.
We came from China, and we bathe motherlands love
We should not forget her,
just like rivers remember where they originate, and trees rely on their roots.
If you ask me where I came from,
Mountains echo and rivers roar.
If you ask me where I came from,
Mountains echo and rivers roar.
We were born in the states,
and we bathe motherlands love
We should not forget her,
just like rivers remember where they originate,
and trees rely on their roots.
Ah! Ah!We came from our motherland, and we came from all over the world
Motherland is our root, and we share her feelings
We love our motherland, and our love is as deep as ocean
We wish her beautiful scenery, and colorful landscape.
Motherland is our root.
We are willing to give up anything for her, just to keep her being young forever
We are willing to give up anything for her, just to keep her being young forever, and ever
(混声四部合唱,Time: 6:20)

Movement 07
This World Needs Peace
(Mixed chorus)
What a peaceful sky tonight
With all stars shining bright.
I wish the whole world would stay like this
No misery, but peace!
We do not want hatred
We do not want war.
We want unity
And peace to us all.
We do not want hatred
We do not want terrorism
We want harmony
We want stability.
We do not want hatred
We do not want war.
We want unity
And peace to us all.
Lets toss the seeds of hatred out of door
And leave no place for the monster of war.
Lets hold a peaceful flag up and high
Fluttering to the four winds in the blue sky.
We are the world, we are the family.
Shoulder to shoulder and hand in hand,
We are brothers and sisters, we are the family.
We are marching forward, united as one.
We are the artists to paint our future
We can change the world to a green community.
We are closely related in this global village
And cherishing our peace and happiness to eternity.
Shoulder to shoulder and hand in hand,
We are marching forward
To meet a brilliant tomorrow,
United as one.
Shoulder to shoulder and hand in hand,
We are marching forward
To meet a brilliant tomorrow,
United as one.
啊! 天下一家向大同。
啊! 天下一家向大同。
Movement 08-
We Are the World, We Are the Family
(Soli and Chorus )
[Song Part I]
Lets open our hearts
And look into the sky -
What a surprise to see us in the same world
With goals just as high.
We do not have the same skin color
But we came from the same ancestor.
Lets put aside our differences
And pursue our common interests together.
[Song, Part II]
Lets open our hearts
And look into the sky -
What a surprise to see us in the same world
With goals just as high.
We each may have a different faith
But we are working towards the same destination.
Lets put aside our jealousy and hate,
And bathe in His warmth and illumination.
We are the world, we are the family
You are my brother and sister
We are the world, we are the family
Together lets march towards a brilliant future.
[Song, Part III]
Lets open our hearts
And look into the sky -
What a surprise to see us in the same world
With goals just as high.
Each nation may have its own interests
But we share our ultimate goals together.
So we must help those in need
And make accommodations for each other.
Lets seek to achieve from what we agree
And learn to respect and not to interfere.
Together lets move forward
Towards the centurys splendor.
We are the world, we are the family
You are my brother and sister
We are the world, we are the family
Together lets move towards a brilliant future.